Friday, February 5, 2010

King of the World

The Avatar haters are out en masse with the announcement that the ThunderSmurfs have over taken Titanic as the highest grossing movie of all-time.

Everybody complains about the writing, that the story is overly simplistic, that its just an overblown 3-D version of Pocahontas with less singing and that it is the ultimate example of our society's bright shiny object problem. Have you seen the new IPad? Puh-Rit-Teeeeee.

Not me, I love the movie and I don't care who knows. Simple stories are the best stories. It's why Star Wars was great and the Phantom Menace sucked. [editor's note- the first Star Wars movie was called STAR WARS, not A New Hope. Nobody went to the theater in 1977 to see A New Hope. Even the title was simple. Its a the know Star Wars. Anyone that refers to the first Star Wars movie as A New Hope should be punched in the groin or at least made to watch Howard the Duck.]

I can deal with all of the snooty pseudo-critics complaining about Jim Cameron's middling story-telling abilities. The reason I can deal with it is three-fold. First, I'm not Jim Cameron. Second, nobody has ever written stronger roles for women in big budget Action movies. In fact nobody has ever written for a woman in a big budget action movie. Third, he must be doing something right considering people have shelled out 4 BILLION dollars to see his last two movies in the theaters. Oh, wait, I have a bonus reason. How can you question an artist's ability, creativity and talent that was responsible for THIS- (by the way you will notice a few famous faces in this video and the music is tight. Yes, that's Chet on the motorcycle and Helen Hunt's wife is selling hair product. But the most interesting cameo is that of Academy Award Nominated Director, Kathryn Bigelow, leading the all-female Posse...she's terrific and there's not a dry eye in the place) ENJOY>

But you know what really irritates me? Some critics are placing an asterisk next to Avatar saying that the numbers need to be adjusted for inflation. You see the adjusted for inflation the all-time leader, domestically, is Gone With The Wind and most critics hold that movie so dearly you'd think it was stuffed. The Civil War Epic was released in 1939. That's 1939. Apparently they don't make an adjustment for LACK OF COMPETITON. Yep, American's pulled themselves away from FDR's Fireside Chats long enough to take in a matinee or two. Let's see we can all stay here and stare at this magical talking box or we can watch Viven Leigh use her feminine whiles to lure, lie, cheat and whine her way through the Antebellum South. As she says so eloquently she, "will ALWAYS have something to EAT!" Or something like that.

I mean come on. Comparing Avatar grosses with Gone With the Wind is apples and oranges. Think of all of the things in our world that are fighting for our attention. Cable TV, DVD's, Video Games, the Internet and Bunko.

It's similar to the arguments used when comparing the 1950's Johnny Unitas-led Colts with this year's Peyton Manning version. Are you kidding me? Peyton Manning is bigger than EVERYONE on that team and he's the quarterback. Bigger, Stronger, Faster. The Lions would give Johnny Unitas a run for his money. But it's a dumb argument. Everyone knows that you can't compare success across generations there are just to many variables. And the exception that PROVES the rule? The 1970's Pittsburgh Steelers they could beat anyone at anything, including Roger Federer on Grass. Case closed.

So congrats Avatar on being the King of the World. Now please release the DVD with a 3-D version, that's just stupid.

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